Posts tagged fever
Magical Warming Socks

A fever is the body’s way of tuning the immune system so it can more effectively manage viral and bacterial infections.  
 There are downsides of acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) and NSAIDS like Ibuprofen, which are often used to decrease fevers and manage pain during an illness.

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Warming Socks

A fever is the body’s way of tuning the immune system so it can more effectively manage viral and bacterial infections.  
 There are downsides of acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) and NSAIDS like Ibuprofen, which are often used to decrease fevers and manage pain during an illness.

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How A Fever Can Make You Healthier

Innate Intelligence:

In naturopathic medicine, it is understood that the body holds innate intelligence. Re-read that last statement because it’s important. In my opinion, modern medicine has lost respect for this innate intelligence and actually assumes IT is more intelligent than the body itself.
A fever is the body’s way of tuning the immune system. A fever is a healthy response of the immune system and shows that the body holds great vitality. The body can mount a response to a disturbance in the microbial environment, heating the body in order to remove the unwanted microbe and restore balance.

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