Clean 15, Dirty Dozen

The Environmental Working Group is an amazing source that we can rely on for unbiased, science-based research which help us to lead healthier lives. 

They have found that more than 70% of non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains potentially harmful pesticides. However, some produce is fairly free of pesticides and can be safely consumed in non-organic forms. 

Each year, they update their produce list, called the "Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen"

Here is the dirty list . . . 
(Make sure you purchase and consume organic versions): 

01. Strawberries
02. Spinach
03. Kale, collard and mustard greens
04. Nectarines
05. Apples
06. Grapes
07. Bell peppers and hot peppers
08. Cherries
09. Peaches
10. Pears
11. Celery
12. Tomatoes

Here is the clean list . . . 
(These can be purchased and consumed safely in non-organic forms): 

01. Avocados
02. Sweet corn
03. Pineapple
04. Onions
05. Papaya
06. Sweet peas (frozen)
07. Asparagus
08. Honeydew melon
09. Kiwi
10. Cabbage
11. Mushrooms
12. Cantaloupe
13. Mangos
14. Watermelon
15. Sweet potatoes


If you want a digital copy download, head to 

You can also donate a small dollar amount to the EWG and they will mail you a tag to attach to your produce shopping bag. This way, you never will forget this list while stocking up on groceries. 

Dr. Laura Neville



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