Type 1 diabetes Holistic health Group Rules:
By being part of this group you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. If you don't agree please delete yourself from the group.
I created this group because I want type 1 diabetics and their caregivers to know how powerful they all are. AND that they are more than their diagnosis, their HgA1c and blood sugar level.
This is a safe place for all people interested in a holistic, non-fear based information and support for type 1 diabetics, whether brand new to it all or quite experienced.
Types of posts appreciated here:
-Shares, Experiences, Struggles, Suggestions and Motivation regarding type 1 diabetes health (this might include nutrition, blood sugar management, stress management, sleep, mindfulness, dietary strategies, supplemental support, herbs, exercise, lifestyle, and movement/exercise- really anything!)
-Questions. All questions related to holistic type 1 diabetes care are welcome here. We are here to support each other the best we can. Never give direct advice to another person - always soften your language by explaining your personal experience or offering suggestions. *No direct medical advice will be given by Dr. Neville.
No promos/sales except if specifically asked for. If everyone was posting promos every day people's questions would not be seen.
Definition of promo:
-selling anything (product, services, course, training, program)
-promoting a webinar or live training event
-posting a link to your OWN or others trainers website.
-posting links to your social media profiles (FB, Twitter, IG, etc) or posting your "handle" unless someone directly asks for it.
-posting any images or photos that have your website URL, your business name/logo, or using your business-related hashtags on them
-linking to a personal blog post or video directly on the main wall
-posting links to your Youtube Channel or videos that promote you/your business
-posting directly from your business page into the group
-asking people to message you for more info on something
-posts that read 'Ask me anything about XYZ' or the 'I'm free for the next XX minutes to answer questions about XYZ' or any other similar variations
Basically if it feels like a promo then it is a promo
--->No promoting of other Training, whether that is online or in person. If you have a Training coming up please ask me for permission first. I decide if the Training can be advertised.
--->No promoting of other Facebook groups or any other groups outside of Holistic Hormone Health is allowed because of complaints I've received about other Facebook groups being spammy or just out to make money.
--->No messaging members of the group if they didn't address you in the group first. No spamming each other in personal Facebook messages. If you do this you will deleted and banned permanently from the group. No second chances.
--->No posting affiliate links to get people to sign up in other programs or platforms (no affiliate links are allowed in this group at all. Turns out if something goes sour I can end up getting in trouble for it! Good thing my lawyer let me know this.
Posting links to personal blog posts and video in the COMMENTS of someone's thread is okay. If someone asks a question and you have content that can help them, feel free to comment with any links you'd like. This is great if you do YouTube tutorials. If someone asks a question go ahead and post a video with the answer in the comments on their question. However, don't be sneaky and and post your link in a comment if it doesn't relate to the posters question.
Be nice. If you are the opposite, I'll kick you out. No second chances.
This is a place for helping others, not criticizing. So think before you comment.
Ask yourself 'Is this comment going to support the original poster and help them grow?'
Give genuine feedback to others. We are here to help each other along our health journies.
No creating or uploading new documents in the group. Any documents/files not created or uploaded by me or my team will be deleted.
What happens in Type 1 Diabetes Holistic Health STAYS in Type 1 Diabetes Holistic Health. Please do not copy or share any content posted in the group without prior consent from the original poster. I want this group to be a safe place for people to vent, cry, and share struggles. Let's help each other the best we can.
If someone posts information that is intimate and personal, let's show love and compassion and support for people when they are overwhelmed and frustrated.
Type 1 Diabetes is not always about being a dia-badass and it’s not usually rainbows and sunshine. There are many down times on the path to health. Let's be gentle with each other during those times of need.
Do not personal message any members of the group or email people after you find them in this group unless they ask you to. “Pitching” to people in a private message will get your banned from the group. If someone reports you to me for doing something like this you will be banned immediately.
Please no asking for others to share links to other FB groups, or any other groups outside of Type 1 Diabetes Holistic Health.
If you break the rules, me (Dr. Laura Neville) or my team reserve the right to remove you as we see fit.
I, Dr. Laura Neville, am not responsible if someone gives you health suggestions that results in harm. It is your responsibility to consult your personal physician before making any changes to your healthcare.
Thanks for your responsible participation in this group!
Dr. Laura Neville