100% Saw Reduction In Wrinkles

Estrogen plays an important role in skin health. It supports collagen and aids in skin hydration and elasticity. 

If you are a woman, estrogen levels drop as a natural part of aging. This leads to less collagen production, dry skin, and more wrinkles. 

But here is some good news: 
A study done on 59 premenopausal women with symptoms of aging skin were given estradiol (0.01%) or estriol (0.3%). 

After treatment for 6 months, skin moisture, elasticity and firmness of the skin had markedly improved and the wrinkle depth and pore sizes had decreased by 61 to 100% in both groups.

Significant increases of Type III collagen were also seen. 

Here is my take: 
Topical estrogen should not be given for the sole purpose of wrinkle reduction because applying topical estrogen will result in a systemic delivery of estrogen to the body, and this may or may not be warranted. 

In many cases, systemic estrogen will provide many benefits, including improved brain function, bone strength protection, reduced hot flashes and/or night sweats, improved mood, improved sleep quality, improved vaginal tissue tone, with the bonus of reduced skin aging.

Estriol is less potent than estradiol, so is preferred in some cases. The skin seems to have a large number of receptors for estriol - so direct benefit to the skin can be quite significant. 

If you are a candidate for estrogen therapy, you can enjoy the bonus benefit of younger looking skin! 

However, in some cases, systemic estrogen is not wanted or needed.

All estrogen has the potential to stimulate the uterine lining to grow, so it needs to be balanced with progesterone. It's important to have a physician trained in hormone therapy ensure that:

1. You are in fact a candidate for hormone replacement
2. Your levels are being correctly monitored (topical hormones can only accurately be tracked via saliva testing)
3. You are screened for any possible negative effects of estrogen therapy (note: risks significantly decline when bio-identical versions are used and when doses are used appropriately)

The skin is a sponge: 
This conversation also reminds us that anything placed topically on the skin will be absorbed into the body. So beyond topical estrogen therapy, watch out for all those skin care products and cosmetics that contain nasty and unregulated chemicals, also called "endocrine disruptors" because they negatively affect hormone levels in the body.

I use the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database to search for clean products that won't harm my patient's heath. 


Schmidt JB, Binder M, Demschik G, Bieglmayer C, Reiner A. Treatment of skin aging with topical estrogens. Int J Dermatol. 1996;35(9):669-674. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4362.1996.tb03701.x


Dr. Laura Neville



Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…