Estrogen - Good Or Bad?

This drives me crazy . . .

So much hesitation from the medical system about estrogen replacement yet oral birth control pills are handed out like candy.

In my mind, not providing estrogen or progesterone or testosterone (in a bioidentical form) to a peri or post menopausal woman is like withholding thyroid replacement in a hypothyroid patient.

And yes, there are reasons to avoid estrogen replacement, but those are few and far between.

A study published in June of this year found that women using birth control pills may have as much as a “130% increased risk” for depression, particularly in the first two years of oral contraceptive use.

Easily fixable with another script for an antidepressant, right?

Moreover, oral birth control pills are often inappropriately prescribed as hormonal therapy for peri and even postmenopausal symptoms. These same meds are a major cause of stroke in young to middle-aged women and they can also be attributed to poor cognitive function. Not to mention the estrogen within oral birth control pills is ethinyl estradiol, a known endocrine disruptor.

Here’s the thing. The medical system makes mistakes - it’s not perfect. But when the stats and numbers are in black and white, yet ignored or swept under the rug to focus soley on patented pharmaceutical options over human health, I won’t accept it.

I hope you won’t either.

Dr. Laura Neville



Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…