I have been arguing for the use of progesterone alongside estrogen therapy for everyone, every time since day 1 of my medical practice. This stemmed from my training as a naturopathic physician where
Read MoreAllergy symptoms are certainly annoying and can lead to the typical sneezing and watery eyes, but did you know they can also link to:
Read MoreIn my last article, I mentioned the conventional ways to manage hypothyroidism. In this email, we will dive into natural therapies.
Read MoreAcetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in memory, learning, attention, arousal and involuntary muscle movement. It’s an excitatory neurotransmitter. This means it “excites” the nerve cell and causes it to “fire off the message.”
Read MoreNo matter how diligent we are, we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis.It is our job to avoid toxicity however we can, but it is also our job to support the innate ability of our body to detoxify.
Read MoreThis drives me crazy . . .
So much hesitation from the medical system about estrogen replacement yet oral birth control pills are handed out like candy.
Read MoreFor most mammals, stress has a relatively short span – when a zebra is running from a lion there are only two outcomes: you get away or you don’t.Humans have an “anticipatory stress response” that easily spins out of control and can lead to anxiety.
Read MoreThere is good reason to feel anxious right now.
But more importantly, there are a multitude of ways to keep anxiety from controlling your life.If I could reach out through the screen right now, I would pour you a cup of tea. Green tea, to be exact
While short-term stress is normal, long-term chronic stress has been associated with numerous health conditions such as anxiety, hypertension, chronic fatigue syndrome, HPA axis dysfunction (aka adrenal fatigue), and metabolic syndrome.
Inside Stress:
No one can avoid stress entirely but what truly matters is how each person internalizes stress. For one person, a spider, flying in an airplane, or keeping up with the daily grind is no big deal - for another, all of this can be downright traumatizing.
I think we would be lying if we said we didn’t want to reverse or at least slow the aging process. Maybe not for vanity sake, but we want to live a LONG AND HEALTHY life… to be vital until our last breathe.
But if we are disillusioned with the propaganda of expensive serums, face-lifts and the idea that aging is 100% related to genetics, where do we turn?
The answer might surprise you.