Are You Feeling Anxious?

There is good reason to feel anxious right now.
But more importantly, there are a multitude of ways to keep anxiety from controlling your life.

If I could reach out through the screen right now, I would pour you a cup of tea. Green tea, to be exact. 

A review of studies found green tea to reduce anxiety, and improve memory and attention

The l-theanine and caffeine combination is thought to be a key part of the magic. 

Green tea also reduces inflammation with naturally occurring polyphenols, the most well known is EGCG.  

*Note: Unmanaged inflammation is an underlying issue in MOST, IF NOT EVERY chronic illness today (obesity, diabetes, autoimmunity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.) Unmanaged inflammation has also been implicated in poor outcomes of the current viral pandemic.   

The next time you feel that wave of anxiety . . .

1. Take a deep breath
2. Pour yourself a cup of green tea into your favorite mug
3. Close your eyes, take a few minutes to turn inward and SAVOR those sips. Let the polyphenols and l-theanine handle the rest.

Dr. Laura Neville


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