Rosemary has many medicinal values, including hair growth.
It seems to be especially effective for those with androgenetic alopecia, which is a common form
A disclaimer: You are unique and with the help of a qualified health practitioner, you can find what works best for you: body and mind. Bottom line, this information is not to be taken in leui of qualified medical care. This page is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualized medical or professional advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your personal physician regarding the applicability of any information on this site.
Rosemary has many medicinal values, including hair growth.
It seems to be especially effective for those with androgenetic alopecia, which is a common form
Read MoreIs it the magic weight loss answer we have all been hoping for?
Over 40% of U.S. adults are obese. Step back in time sixty years - 13% of U.S. adults were obese. More and more children are also obese.
Read MoreIf I was stuck on a desert island with access to only one supplement for the rest of my life, it would be . . .
Read MoreMany natural components of foods and herbs modulate enzymes. These enzymes then can change both levels and actions of hormones.
These enzymes add a sulphur group to estrogen, inactivating it in order to remove it from the body.
As a teacher of mine once said, this is how to study Herbal Medicine:
Focus on developing a relationship with the plant
See plants as energetic beings
After specifically studying hormones for over a decade now, I have come to the conclusion that they are molecules of communication and connection.
This is true for all hormones, including:
One of the most effective, not to mention easy ways to improve the strength of your digestive system . . .
Add more spice to your life!
A balanced digestive system allows you to eat a meal and feel comfortable after, with no bloating, gas, burping, acid symptoms, or lethargy.
You have one to two healthy daily bowel movements without pushing and without leaving material on the toilet paper after wiping. You have radiant skin and stable energy, day after day.
Sounds great, right?
The simple things are easy to overlook, no?Things like calcium deficiency
This deficiency is actually very common, mostly due to an unbalanced diet lacking in whole foods, but this can also be caused by many medications, including acid blockers.
You are a coach, whether you identify with that term or not.
And your most important player?
Chronic stress/unresolved emotions affect health from head to toe. In fact, medical research estimates as much as 90% of illness and disease is stress-related!So what can be done?
Big hint here: the trick is not to avoid stress, it's to change your response to
Raaaarrrrrr. Anyone else wanna just throw something right now, or is it just me?Built up stress can make us feel this way. We get stuck in the middle of our stress cycles and this is the not-so-pretty outcome.
Read MoreThere is good reason to feel anxious right now.
But more importantly, there are a multitude of ways to keep anxiety from controlling your life.If I could reach out through the screen right now, I would pour you a cup of tea. Green tea, to be exact
Maybe you're not wishing for the moon, for world domination, for riches and fame, but you simply want to get back to feeling like yourself again.I don't think that is too much to ask!
But here is the challenge . . .
Many women wonder if their hormone symptoms are normal. It's an awesome question, but it's also the wrong question.
Women commonly suffer from hormone symptoms. But common is not the same thing as normal. Unfortunately, we have all been taught the opposite.
Understanding hormone terminology can be so confusing!
Because of this, I will give you some bite-sized bits of information for you to easily break through all of that confusion.
This week, let's talk about: natural vs. synthetic vs. bio-identical hormones
Innate Intelligence:
In naturopathic medicine, it is understood that the body holds innate intelligence. Re-read that last statement because it’s important. In my opinion, modern medicine has lost respect for this innate intelligence and actually assumes IT is more intelligent than the body itself.
A fever is the body’s way of tuning the immune system. A fever is a healthy response of the immune system and shows that the body holds great vitality. The body can mount a response to a disturbance in the microbial environment, heating the body in order to remove the unwanted microbe and restore balance.
I think we would be lying if we said we didn’t want to reverse or at least slow the aging process. Maybe not for vanity sake, but we want to live a LONG AND HEALTHY life… to be vital until our last breathe.
But if we are disillusioned with the propaganda of expensive serums, face-lifts and the idea that aging is 100% related to genetics, where do we turn?
The answer might surprise you.