This word really hits to the core for me. How about you? INFOBESITY
It's very similar to eating "empty calories" - being overfed but undernourished
A disclaimer: You are unique and with the help of a qualified health practitioner, you can find what works best for you: body and mind. Bottom line, this information is not to be taken in leui of qualified medical care. This page is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualized medical or professional advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your personal physician regarding the applicability of any information on this site.
This word really hits to the core for me. How about you? INFOBESITY
It's very similar to eating "empty calories" - being overfed but undernourished
Since the year 2002, the General Consensus about Estrogen is:
It drives cancer
Avoid it as much as possible
If absolutely necessary, use the lowest dose for the shortest period of time
It drives dementia
It drives aging
Is it the magic weight loss answer we have all been hoping for?
Over 40% of U.S. adults are obese. Step back in time sixty years - 13% of U.S. adults were obese. More and more children are also obese.
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