Normal And Balanced?

Many women wonder if their hormone symptoms are normal.

It's an awesome question, but it's also the wrong question.

Women commonly suffer from hormone symptoms. But common is not the same thing as normal. Unfortunately, we have all been taught the opposite.

Advertising will tell you that allergies are just a sign that you don't have enough Zytrec in your system. That heartburn is normal so don't forget to pop that Pepcid AC before your next meal.

Hormone symptoms are so common, they are assumed to simply be due to being female.


Did you know that one of the most obvious symptoms of hormone imbalance - hot flashes - are not universal?

  • In 1970, anthropologist Marcha Flint studied menopausal experiences of women in non-Western cultures. She studied 483 women in India and found that most complained of no symptoms during menopause other than menstrual changes.

  • A decade later, Margaret Lock found that the symptom most likely to be reported by Japanese women during menopause was shoulder stiffness, and that hot flashes were actually very rare.

  • In a study in Hong Kong, researchers found that joint and muscle problems were the most common symptoms. In all of these studies women reported symptoms as “mild.”

So what does this mean?

This means that even though you have been told that hot flashes are common, this does not mean that they are normal.  

This also suggests that lifestyle factors may play a bigger role in hormone imbalance than you may be aware of.  

How we eat, how we sleep, how we manage stress, how we move our bodies, how we live our lives plays into our hormone health.




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