Lung Detox

The emunctories are the body's channels of elimination. They allow the body to excrete unwanted substances and keep us free of toxic stagnation and build up.

We can softly support these naturally existing emunctories of our bodies on a daily basis, allowing the body to do what it does best...stay healthy!

There are 6 main emunctories in the body:

1. Lungs
2. Kidneys
3. Liver
4. Colon
5. Skin
6. Emotions

This week, let's focus on the lungs.

Most research indicates humans can survive approximately 1 month without food, 2-7 days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. This tells us how important breathing is, not just in regard to death, but also in regard to life!
In addition to simply keeping us alive, our lungs are organs of detoxification, bathing our body and brain with fresh oxygen, exhaling out carbon dioxide and other waste molecules.

This rhythmic exchange, the very essence of life, is often disrupted by stress, sitting and plain old forgetting how to breathe.

If you watch a baby, notice how deep and full the breaths are. The lower belly protrudes extensively, in contrast to adults who tend to breathe in a shallow nature, limited to the upper chest.

Simple Goal:

The most immediate way to support this amazing bi-lobed organ is to set a goal of 100 deep breaths per day.

This will increase energy, mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and enhance detoxification. The emotion, grief, is stored in the lungs, so energetic movement through this organ can also support the body and mind to process and transform grief into strength and resilience.

See if you can move the lower abdomen out as you breathe in and pull the lower abdomen in as you breathe out.

Tip: Sometimes placing a heavy book on the lower belly as you lie on your back can help train your brain to focus here, rather than in the upper chest.

If 100 deep breaths per day feels overwhelming, start with 10 and work your way up over time. You will be surprised how it becomes so natural over time, you will begin doing this without even thinking.

Happy deep breathing!

Dr. Laura Neville


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