Brain Function And Estrogen

Estrogen's Health Benefits

Did you know that estrogen has over 400 different functions in the body? 1 of these 400 functions relates to brain health and memory.

Low estrogen is a risk factor for memory loss and dementia.
Higher estrogen (also referred to as estradiol) levels have been shown to improve working memory performance (even in pre-menopausal women).

We often hear about estrogen dominance and the negative effects of too much estrogen. While there are valid points to this, low estrogen levels are even more problematic in my opinion.

Not all Estrogen Replacement is Created Equal

Sustained use of estradiol (bio-identical estrogen) supplementation within one year of menopause has been shown to preserve brain function.

In contrast, sustained use of Premarin (Premarin is a conjugated estrogen, it is NOT bio-identical), actually appears to accelerate brain metabolic decline.

If a progestin (synthetic, non-bioidentical progesterone) is taken along with either estradiol or Premarin, it has been shown to obliterate the neurological benefit seen with estradiol and has also shown to steepen the decline seen with Premarin!


  1. The body is asking for a physiologic (read: "Goldilocks") level of estrogen to obtain optimal brain function and prevent the cognitive decline commonly seen with aging.

  1. The body is desperate for us to understand the difference between bio-identical hormone supplementation and synthetic, non-bioidentical hormone replacement. They are not the same therapies and can have drastically different effects.

  1. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been shown to preserve brain vitality. In contrast, non bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been linked to the destruction of brain vitality.


Hampson E, Morley EE. Estradiol concentrations and working memory performance in women of reproductive age. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Dec;38(12):2897-904. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.07.020. Epub 2013 Aug 22.

Rasgon NL, Geist CL, Kenna HA, Wroolie TE, Williams KE, Silverman DH. Prospective randomized trial to assess effects of continuing hormone therapy on cerebral function in postmenopausal women at risk for dementia. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(3):e89095.


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