You are probably well aware that the risk of heart disease increases with high cholesterol, yes?
Cholesterol (aka lipids) are commonly tested via doctors in many
A disclaimer: You are unique and with the help of a qualified health practitioner, you can find what works best for you: body and mind. Bottom line, this information is not to be taken in leui of qualified medical care. This page is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualized medical or professional advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your personal physician regarding the applicability of any information on this site.
You are probably well aware that the risk of heart disease increases with high cholesterol, yes?
Cholesterol (aka lipids) are commonly tested via doctors in many
Read MoreOut of all the possible symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause, the number one most dreaded is weight gain.Daily, I hear my patients tell me
Read MoreLow levels of estrogen can create a laundry list of symptoms. From head to toe, things just don't feel right.
But many women are taught that it's just a part of getting older, it's normal, and it's not enough of a problem to warrant a treatment.
Gaslighting at its finest.
The emunctories are the body's channels of elimination. They allow the body to excrete unwanted substances and keep us free of toxic stagnation and build up.
We can softly support these naturally existing emunctories of our bodies on a daily basis, allowing the body to do what it does best...stay healthy!
The Salk Institute published a study in 2015 showing mice limited to eating during an 8-hour period to be healthier than mice eating freely throughout the day. After 100 days, the mice that ate frequently gained weight, developed high cholesterol and high blood sugar levels, showed evidence of liver damage and reduced physical abilities; eerily similar to what we see in humans with pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Read MoreChronic psychological stress has been associated with most diseases know to modern medicine; everything from immune suppression, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. In fact, a study published in 2011 suggests how significant early life stressors cause children’s cells to produce more inflammatory responses over a lifetime. This pro-inflammatory state leads to hormonal dysfunction and eventually, disease
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