Creative Expression

Chronic stress/unresolved emotions affect health from head to toe. In fact, medical research estimates as much as 90% of illness and disease is stress-related!

So what can be done?

Big hint here: the trick is not to avoid stress, it's to change your response to stressors. It's as simple as that.

Here are 7 ways to complete your stress response/cycle:

1. Physical activity
2. Breathing
3. Positive social interaction
4. Laughter
5. Affection
6. A big 'ol cry
7. Creative expression

We've talked through numbers 1-6 so far . . .

We've save the best for last! #7 is creative expression

Do you ever notice that creating something releases stress and anxiety?

It allows you to get out of that analytical brain of yours and into the part of the brain that is less about ego, and more about connection to something bigger than yourself.

  • Painting

  • Coloring

  • Writing

  • Pottery (like in the movie, Ghost, of course)

  • Sewing

  • Knitting

  • Interior design

  • Landscaping/gardening

  • Jewelry making

  • Photography

  • Cooking

  • Dancing

  • Music

  • Poetry

  • Glitter glitter and more glitter!

If you're like most hard working adults, you probably don't do much of these things right now, but I encourage you to pull out your old paints or coloring books.

Anything to break that pattern of groundhogs day.

And no judging of your work. Creative expression - there is no wrong way to do it. Sing in the shower. Make a mess with that glue gun. Dance in the hallway.

Now go get lost in your art,

Dr. Laura Neville



Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…