
Raaaarrrrrr. Anyone else wanna just throw something right now, or is it just me?

Built up stress can make us feel this way. We get stuck in the middle of our stress cycles and this is the not-so-pretty outcome.

But here's the good news:

  • The point is not to avoid stress

  • You don't need to fix the outside problem that caused the stress (if you blame outside factors for your stress - you have given away all your power right from the get-go)

  • You simply need to finish your cycles of stress and not get stuck in the middle, day after day (this it the ultimate recipe for burnout)

  • This practice will give you back your own power so that you are no longer a victim to your circumstances

  • When you benefit from this practice, your job is then to share it with others

Now let's add another tool: Affection

When we hug each other, deep pressure is detected by receptors and sends a signal of safety to the autonomic nervous system. This turns down the anxiety from the sympathetic nerve, aka the "fight or flight response".

Research on the use of deep pressure has shown benefit for those with autism, anxiety or ADHD, and even healthy adults.

The Hormonal Connection:

Deep pressure also turns up the calm response from the vagus nerve and reduces the stress hormone cortisol.

When two humans embrace they release a hormone called oxytocin, otherwise known as the bonding hormone, which turns the dial on stess way down. Oxytocin is so powerful that it’s been shown to help prevent postpartum depression, lower salivary cortisol levels, increase communication during adult conflict, and improve anxiety during public speaking.

In one study, healthy adults were monitored for how often they were hugged. Then they quarantined the participants and intentionally infected them with a cold virus.Those who received more frequent hugs had less severe illnesses!

How long to hug?

It seems the exact length of the hug does not matter as much as whether you feel the effect of oxytocin.

Here's the takeaway: H.U.G.: Hold tight, Until relaxation, and Grow your oxytocin hormone.

Sending you a virtual squeeze,
Dr. Laura Neville



Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…