
How's your stress level been lately?

If you answered "off the charts", you clicked on the right article today (virtual high five right here).

So your stress is off the charts AND your stress management plan goes down the toilet when you are super stressed.

Ironic, no?

But here's the trick that most people don't understand:

  • The point is not to avoid stress (that's impossible)

  • You don't need to fix the outside problem that caused the stress

  • If you blame outside factors for your stress - you have given away all your power right from the get-go

  • You need to simply finish the cycles of stress and not get stuck in the middle, day after day (this it the ultimate recipe for burnout)

  • This practice will give you back your own power so that you are no longer a victim to your circumstances

  • When you benefit from this practice, your job is then to share it with others (pinky promise me)

Laughter as Medicine:

Laughter is one of the 7 most effective ways to close the cycle of stress, thereby ending chronic stress and burnout.

  • Fake laughter is a start - when you first get going, you may need to begin here. Nothing wrong with that. Ha. ha. ha.

  • Spontaneous laughter is even better - it accesses the brain's hypothalamus, which regulates things like hormonal balance. No joke. Giggle giggle.

  • Uncontrollable, deep belly, eyes watering, rolling-on-the-ground, pants peeing laughter is the ultimate. Hahahahahahaha, SNORT

So don't hold back.

Lean into it.

Let that laughter loose.

The more you can close your cycles of stress and charge your own battery, the brighter your light radiates into the world around you.

This next week, act like it is YOUR JOB to laugh.

Dr. Laura Neville


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