Positive Social Interaction

Stress management can feel like an impossible task, right?

The idea of meditating or doing yoga right in the middle of an intensely stressful period in your life can make you laugh out loud..

But Think About This:

Stress management doesn't have to involve meditation or yoga. I love these things and talk about them often, but they don't have to be YOUR jam. There are so so many strategies to choose from - you just gotta pick some AND implement them, otherwise they are as good as useless.

Now Let's Back Up a Sec:

Stress is a powerful transformer. It's not inherently bad.

Just like a diamond forming under pressure, we need stress in our lives to grow, to change, to learn, to become what we are meant to be - even if it seems uncomfortable in the moment.

Imagine how uncomfortable that lump of coal is being squeezed for 1 million years, only to emerge as one of the world's strongest and most valued substances. Tadaa!

So Remember:

  • The trick is not to avoid stress

  • It’s not the stressful situation that needs to be changed

  • You don't need to fix the problem that caused the stress

  • You need to simply finish the cycle of stress and not get stuck in the middle

  • This gives you the power so that you are no longer a victim to your circumstances

How to Reframe Stress and Stress Management:

  • Think of stress as a cycle - with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning and middle you are probably highly familiar with so focus your training efforts on the END

  • If you can train yourself to finish your stress cycles, you can use your unique superpowers in this world more effectively, rather than fall victim to burnout.

Today, add positive social interaction to your toolbox as a way to close the stress cycle.

We humans are social creatures. Something as simple as chatting with a co-worker or saying hello to a stranger can boost endorphins, lower cortisol levels and increase the hormone oxytocin.

Recent times have challenged our social interactions, so don't feel ashamed if you are feeling more alone than ever.

Here are other ideas of how to increase positive social interactions:

  • Text a friend from years past

  • Call a family member (preferably one you like, wink wink)

  • Mail a card to and old friend (receiving physical mail is sweeter than ever now)

  • Pet a cute dog

  • Try out some virtual happy hours, coffee groups, or virtual meetups

  • Set up a virtual date with a group of friends for a tea party. Pinkies up

  • Set up a date with yourself to try out gardening, cooking, painting, or taking a new class online. Who knows, you might really enjoy spending quality time with this date :)

  • Write me back and say hi!

Ok - so now you have physical activity, deep breathing, and positive social interaction in your stress mangement toolbox. Be sure to close your stress cycles with these tools.

I can see your diamond light shining from here,

Dr. Laura Neville


Would you like to check in with your hormones? Below is a FREE Women’s Hormone Cheetsheet.