Sleep Like A Baby

I'm sure you don't need a scientific study (although there are many) to tell you that sleeping improves your health.


After a good night of sleep, you can FEEL it.

Your mood is better, your energy is stable, your skin looks better, you enjoy life so much more.

You also create something called Growth Hormone during sleep.

It’s responsible for repair and regeneration, it boosts sex hormone levels, keeps bones strong, grows hair, keeps weight stable, and reduces anxiety and depression.

So if your sleep is horrible, what should you do?

Follow my Sleep Celebration Checklist - it's a positive spin on the most up-to-date sleep treatment research so you can get back to sleeping like a baby.

  • Sunlight or full-spectrum light box for 30 minutes within 1 hour of waking (this sets the circadian rhythm and trains melatonin levels)

  • Enjoy caffeine (if desired) before 12 pm

  • Move your body during the day

  • Dim household lights with the setting sun, use blue light blocking glasses in the evening (these are very inexpensive to purchace online)

  • Savor your delicious dinner and then avoid eating until the following day

  • Create bedtime rituals: i.e. a favorite book, herbal tea, a face mask, a bubble bath

  • Create a sleep sanctuary: i.e. eye mask, blackout curtains, ear plugs, cotton sheets, a weighted blanket, lavender essential oil

  • Keep bedroom cool (60-67 degrees F) and completely dark

  • Keep to a regular schedule/go to bed at the same time each night

  • Remember that sleep in the hours before midnight are twice as restorative as the hours after

  • Clear your mind… keep a bedside journal to jot down notes

  • Use apps to support sleep if needed, i.e. bedtime stories, hypnosis, soothing music. My favorite is Relax and Sleep Well by Glen Harold

  • Address sex hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue with your naturopathic physician (you will need to be tested first)

  • Have your thyroid levels tested and interpreted by your doctor

  • Choose botanicals and sleep building supplements rather than OTC sleeping pills/medications, if needed. Passionflower, valerian, hops, chamomile, lavender, L-theanine, magnesium, or 5-htp are all examples. Check with your naturopathic physician about which would be best for you

  • Speak to your doctor about melatonin supplementation (slow release formulas can address middle of the night awakenings)

Sleep tight,

Dr. Laura Neville




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