The Most Common Cause of Fatigue

Fatigue . . .  it’s such a drag, am I right?  At times it can feel tortuous to get through a workday when you are dealing with fatigue.    
While there are 100+ reasons you might be fatigued, did you know that the first sign of dehydration is . . . fatigue?  Yup.
But let’s back up a bit.  

Water water water
Life on earth cannot exist without water. It’s massively therapeutic to the human body and studies also indicate it is one of the most powerful “medicines” in the world.  In fact, it’s a key tool in Naturopathic Medicine, not just as a beverage, but also as a therapy applied to the body.  
As the story goes, Vincent Priessnitz (1799-1852) was a young man who worked his father’s farm. Once, while working in the fields, he watched a wounded deer, shot in the thigh, bathe in a nearby cold stream. The deer managed to get its wounded leg entirely covered with the flowing water… the animal returned to the stream each day until it finally got well.
Priessnitz later used this therapy to treat his own life-threatening injuries.
Then, a man by the name of Bendict Lust came to the United States in 1892 at the age of 23. Shortly after his arrival, he developed tuberculosis. Faced with his mortality, he decided to return to Germany, his homeland, to die.   
However, once home, he met Father Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), who treated him with “hydrotherapy” or the application of cold water to the body to evoke a healing response. 
Lust fully healed and then went on to teach the powerful healing therapy in the United States. 

Say what? 
If you feel this all sounds too simple to be effective, you are not alone.  But the truth is, this is because we take water for granted.  
Notice how a shower can change your outlook on life. 
Notice how a warm bath can calm and relax you after a stressful day.  
Notice how the sound of ocean waves changes the way you feel.  
It is well known that real estate with view of water is highly sought after and therefore, much more expensive.
It all comes down to water. 
Symptoms of Dehydration: 
We usually think of severe symptoms when dehydration is at hand:   

  • Confusion

  • Difficulty walking

  • Dizziness or headaches

  • Dry mouth

  • Sunken eyes

  • Inability to sweat or produce tears

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Low blood pressure

  • Low urine output

  • Constipation

In reality, before these more serious symptoms arise, you may experience: 

  • Fatigue

  • Poor concentration

  • Dry mouth

  • Bad breath

  • Irritability

  • Skin dullness or wrinkles 

There are many causes of dehydration: 

  • Lack of water intake (duh)

  • Overconsumption of diuretics like caffeine or alcohol

  • Exercise/sweating

  • High altitudes

  • Chronic illnesses like diabetes or cystic fibrosis

  • Diarrhea/vomiting

  • Some medications

While there is no universally agreed quantity of water that must be consumed daily, a rough estimate is ½ of body weight in ounces. So a 150-pound person would consume a minimum of 75 ounces daily.  Additional water is needed for exercise, alcohol or caffeine intake, etc.  *This calculation does not apply to those with kidney disease or congestive heart failure. 
Those that are hydrated will enjoy these benefits: 

  • Increased energy production

  • Joint lubrication

  • Oxygenated tissues throughout the body

  • Beautiful skin

  • Cushioning of the brain, spinal cord and vertebral discs

  • Stable body temperature

  • Improved digestion

  • Optimal detoxification

  • Healthy blood pressure

  • Delivery of minerals and nutrients to the cells

  • Weight loss

So relax in the tub and lift a gorgeous glass of H20 in honor of Benedict Lust, Vincent Priessnitz and your energy level!