They help the body to adapt to stress over the long-haul.
They increase the power of resistance against multiple stressors including physical, chemical, or biological agents.
Adaptogens have a normalizing influence on physiology.
A disclaimer: You are unique and with the help of a qualified health practitioner, you can find what works best for you: body and mind. Bottom line, this information is not to be taken in leui of qualified medical care. This page is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualized medical or professional advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your personal physician regarding the applicability of any information on this site.
They help the body to adapt to stress over the long-haul.
They increase the power of resistance against multiple stressors including physical, chemical, or biological agents.
Adaptogens have a normalizing influence on physiology.
Fatigue . . . its such a drag, am I right? At times it can feel tortuous to get through a workday when you are dealing with fatigue.
While there are 100+ reasons you might be fatigued, did you know that the first sign of dehydration is . . . fatigue? Yup.
But let’s back up a bit.
Improving the issue of estrogen dominance by decreasing excess estrogen levels and by supporting healthy progesterone levels, will also provide benefits for thyroid hormones.
Read MoreHave you heard about hydrotherapy, aka 'water'-therapy? It's a therapy with a long history of beautiful health benefits, but often overlooked.
Read MoreWhat are you silently carrying and how much is it weighing on you?
Can you put it down so that it can no longer drain your energy?
While there are 100+ reasons you might be fatigued, did you know that the first sign of dehydration is . . . fatigue? Yup.
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