Yellow foods support the 3rd chakra/energy center AND are:
Digestion supportive
Increases healthy gut bugs
Improves enzyme activity to break down food
Improves movement through the digestive system
Regulates blood sugar
A disclaimer: You are unique and with the help of a qualified health practitioner, you can find what works best for you: body and mind. Bottom line, this information is not to be taken in leui of qualified medical care. This page is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualized medical or professional advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your personal physician regarding the applicability of any information on this site.
Yellow foods support the 3rd chakra/energy center AND are:
Digestion supportive
Increases healthy gut bugs
Improves enzyme activity to break down food
Improves movement through the digestive system
Regulates blood sugar