Orange Foods
Light is energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths and as the light is absorbed and reflected, we end up with different colors.
Mother nature has color-coded everything for us - even our foods! She's giving us little hints along the way -"Pssst, eat this!
Opulent Orange foods support the 2nd chakra/energy center:
Endocrine (hormone) - balancing
Ovulation and fertility supportive
Healing nutrients: beta-carotene, alpa-carotene, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, curcuminoids
Supportive to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
Foods: oranges, apricots, cantaloupe, kumquat, mandarins, mangoes, nectarines, papaya, passion fruit, peach, persimmons, tangerines, orange bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, yams, turmeric
Studies show these foods can support healthy levels of estrogen, decrease risk of breast and prostate cancer, delay the decline in ovarian health due to aging, and lower the risk of endometriosis!
I challenge you to heal your body from the inside out over the next several weeks by adding in as many different types of fruits and veggies as possible.
This week, add in those Opulent Orange foods for hormone, reproductive, and creative support.
Dr. Laura Neville
Discover what hormone imbalances you are dealing with and how holistic medicine can solve them.