Imagine a Life of Beautifully Balanced Hormones and Everlasting Energy . . .
Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…
For one-on-one appointments . . .
Step 1 - let’s find out what type of hormone imbalance you are dealing with…
For one-on-one appointments . . .
Maybe you feel like your symptoms are hormonally fueled and you want to get off the roller coaster. Stat.
Maybe you are type 1 diabetic and are tired of the endless revolving door of medical visits but you still feel like a “bad” diabetic. You want someone to ask you about something other than your blood sugar levels.
You’ve likely been to your physician to discuss this, but either your concerns were passed over, or treatments failed to help you feel better.
Dr. Neville is known for her deep listening skills. Her treatments for women suffering from hormonal symptoms and for type 1 diabetics are comprehensive, refreshing and give you results worth celebrating. Her commitment to you stems from her own journey…
She was days away from death at the age of 7 when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Conventional medicine kept her alive, but it was naturopathic medicine that made her well. Now, it’s her life’s passion to share these health treasures with you.
Whether you work with her in-person, virtually, or in one of her online programs, she ensures your dream transformation becomes your reality.
Get Dr. Neville’s 5 Recipes to Boost your Energy with Balanced Hormones, delivered directly to your inbox.
Yes, you have type 1 diabetes. But your health is made of so much more than that! Work with a doctor who gets it. Dive deeper than the label and get off that sugar rollercoaster.
Just because a symptom is common does not mean it’s normal. Find out why you have symptoms of hormonal imbalance and learn what you can do about it, without the typical fear-based medical approach.
Hashimoto's is a multifaceted autoimmune condition. Treatment aim should not just be about replacement of thyroid hormones. Get support for your entire system, not just the thyroid.
Low energy is crippling your life and you are ready for change. You want more energy; you need more energy. . . The desire for health is there. What you need is a clear plan.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Comprehensive and individualized treatments
A physician who looks outside of conventional care to give you a leg-up
Help to design a lifestyle that works for you
Health education for self empowerment
Inspiration for an abundant life
Enhanced physical and mental performance
Medicine that transforms
Therapies that work with your body for magnified impact
Compassionate guidance to optimal health
Weight Gain
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Sleep issues
Low Mood
Brain Fog
Sugar cravings
Dry Skin
Hair Loss
Thinning skin/Aging skin
Hot Flashes
Joint and or Muscle Pain
Sensitivity to Cold
Cold hands and feet
Menstrual Irregularities
Low libido
Brittle nails or hair
An Inspirational Guide to Eating Whole Foods. Change Your Health Overnight By Changing What You Eat.
A physician obsessed with your health and well being. She walks the talk, committing to a healthful diet and lifestyle along with you, ensuring that your care is participatory and inspiring.
I much prefer natural solutions to drugs, which is also Dr. Neville’s philosophy, and I have reduced my prescription pill intake from six per day to one. And I feel better! I am so lucky to have found her. She is my hero
- J.S.
Most of my life I’ve explained away my exhaustion and weight gain because I’m a mom, or working full time, etc. I saw Dr. Neville about 4 ½ months ago. She discovered I have Hashimoto's when my primary care wouldn’t look into or test for it.
- C.J.
I struggled for 17 years with thyroid issues before crossing paths with Dr. Neville. Each physician prior, though great in their specialties, would write me off as a hard case or outside of their skillset and I’d be off looking for someone new who could help me. Dr. Neville took me down a path of hormone balancing as well as an overall holistic approach including food allergies and other therapies. I have learned so much about myself and how to improve my life from Dr. Neville and am grateful for her help and knowledge.
- L.W.
“I am so thankful that I found Dr. Neville. I have had several naturopathic and medical doctors over the years, many of which were helpful. Dr. Neville stands out as one of the finest physicians that have helped me. Her commitment to caring for patients and helping with their health challenges is top notch. One of the ways she accomplishes this is by listening to you. Not just average listening but active listening with the goal of understanding your concerns and what will help bring you to your next step in the healing process.”
- D.A.
“Dr. Neville gently gave me some eating advice - following this, I have lost close to 50 pounds in a few short years. Dr. Neville has a deep understanding of the medical field and she can work across disciplines. I recommend her as a naturopathic physician every chance I get.”
“I discovered Dr Neville by chance on a web search. And it was by chance that she would change my life forever! I feel very fortunate. She’s helped me dig deep into problems that my regular doctor ignored, and opened my eyes to a world that doesn’t revolve around pills.”
“In my 70's, I started having balance issues. Doctor Neville immediately keyed in that this may be a result of low vitamin B12 - a documented side effect of long-term use of a medication I can been on. Meanwhile, my GP monitored blood pressure, ran heart tests, an MRI, an MRA and referred me to a neurologist for further testing. Guess what? They both concluded the balance issues were likely related to low B12!”
“Dr. Neville’s knowledge and continuing education in science-based practices that are grounded in practical application is of great benefit to my life. This expertise has greatly helped me in my own journey to health by providing me with sound guidance through my own complex health challenges. It can be difficult in our day and age to find practitioners with these kinds of qualities. With Dr. Neville you will not only find a knowledgeable and experienced physician that you can trust but you will also find a true healing professional.”
“Dr. Neville is a caring healthcare expert, calm, assuring, smart and knowledgeable. Her knowledge and insight creates an atmosphere of trust and calm, two of the most important traits a healthcare provider can give a patient. She listened and based on what she heard (and her amazing level of expertise in alternative healthcare) has set up a protocol that supports me and has made a huge difference in my health and energy levels. She has set goals for me and the support she gives to gain those goals has been empowering.”
“I love having Dr. Neville as my naturopath. I trust her, like her, and admire her. She helped me find great relief from my allergies using natural supplements. Now I’m totally off allergy drugs, and it’s as if I don’t even have allergies anymore. I’ve also recommended Dr. Neville to family and friends for adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. I trust Dr. Neville’s expertise, I believe she really cares.”
“Dr. Neville was instrumental in getting me off some medication I had been on for over 20 years. My medical doctors had continued to prescribe it. When Dr. Neville became aware of this, she indicated it was a medication that should only be used short term. She encouraged me to get off it - this took hard work on my part, but I succeeded.”
“I feel so much better already and the energy I have is spent doing things with my kids or doing hobbies instead of laying around wishing I could. I love the amount of time she spends with me during my appointments, it’s refreshing compared to the quick in and out attention I get with my PCP. It’s easy to see she actually cares and takes an interest in her job and helping people feel better. I’m so grateful she’s part of my care-team!”
“I have suffered from hypothyroidism for a long time. I’ve been to many different doctors and specialist and I still had to keep adjusting my medication. Additionally, I am a very active person and I was not been able to lose any weight, which was super frustrating. Dr. Laura really understands how to help your body heal itself. She looks at the big picture instead of focusing on one small part of the issue. The best part….I started losing weight and my hypothyroid symptoms have improved dramatically!”
“I can discuss all my problems with her and she always has a solution that treats your body as a whole and targets issues, not just symptoms. She has a kind, gentle, warm and welcoming heart. She takes the time to listen and really figure out what is going on. With her help I overcame lots of my hormonal and even psychological problems, feel more energized, healthy and confident.”
“As I think of all the qualities I look for in a physician, I realize that I have found a physician that has all of them. Aside from being highly knowledgeable and motivated, Dr. Neville has a keen intuitive sense and great investigating skills. She was the first practitioner ever who understood me and helped me to "dig deeper" in my hormone problems.”
- O.W.
“I highly recommend Dr. Laura Neville to new patients who are seeking answers to their health. When she came to speak at a workshop at my place of employment she said something that hit me—“Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s ‘normal’”. Most of my life I’ve explained away my exhaustion and weight gain because I’m a mom, or working full time, etc. She discovered I have Hashimoto’s when my primary care wouldn’t look into or test for it. Since then, I’ve been on supplements and have felt a steady increase in energy since I began taking them, and my weight stopped going up, it’s actually gone down.”
“I cannot recommend a more qualified doctor than Dr. Laura Neville. She is a highly gifted, compassionate, and qualified naturopathic physician who has helped me tremendously with my health issues. She was able to guide me to health better than my personal MD. She takes the necessary time to hear me. I much prefer natural solutions to drugs, which is also her philosophy, and have reduced my prescription pill intake from six per day to one. And I feel better!“
I have been arguing for the use of progesterone alongside estrogen therapy for everyone, every time since day 1 of my medical practice. This stemmed from my training as a naturopathic physician where
"Alternative" medicine has been around for about 5,000 years. Back then, it was simply called "medicine".
What Changed?
When the pharmaceutical industry exploded in the 1950s
Medical writings dating back 5,000 years tells us that our ancient ancestors did not separate body from mind, nor body from spirit.
It wasn't until Sir Issac Newton watched
This word really hits to the core for me. How about you? INFOBESITY
It's very similar to eating "empty calories" - being overfed but undernourished
In the early 1900s estrogen was discovered/isolated. Big Pharma found abundant estrogen in the urine of pregnant horses. Premarin (pregnant mare’s urine) was then approved
Since the year 2002, the General Consensus about Estrogen is:
It drives cancer
Avoid it as much as possible
If absolutely necessary, use the lowest dose for the shortest period of time
It drives dementia
It drives aging
Many women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) wonder at what age they should stop therapy. They may even be nudged by their doctors to stop around the age
Allergy symptoms are certainly annoying and can lead to the typical sneezing and watery eyes, but did you know they can also link to:
In my last article, I mentioned the conventional ways to manage hypothyroidism. In this email, we will dive into natural therapies.
There term hypothyroidism is based on an elevated TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test.
T4 (also called thyroxine) is a type of thyroid hormone created
I can’t say enough good things about melatonin. Both what our body naturally makes and melatonin in supplement form.
"Alternative" medicine has been around for about 5,000 years. Back then, it was simply called "medicine".
Many of my patients are interested to know if blood or saliva or urine is best for sex hormone testing.
The short story is here: -Blood is never my preference
You are probably well aware that the risk of heart disease increases with high cholesterol, yes?
Cholesterol (aka lipids) are commonly tested via doctors in many
Too many patients and health care providers think estrogen drives cancer for women and testosterone drives cancer in men.
Rosemary has many medicinal values, including hair growth.
It seems to be especially effective for those with androgenetic alopecia, which is a common form
Out of all the hormonal change symptoms for women 40 and up, belly fat is the number 1 most hated.
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in memory, learning, attention, arousal and involuntary muscle movement. It’s an excitatory neurotransmitter. This means it “excites” the nerve cell and causes it to “fire off the message.”
Is it the magic weight loss answer we have all been hoping for?
Over 40% of U.S. adults are obese. Step back in time sixty years - 13% of U.S. adults were obese. More and more children are also obese.
No matter how diligent we are, we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis.It is our job to avoid toxicity however we can, but it is also our job to support the innate ability of our body to detoxify.
Out of all the possible symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause, the number one most dreaded is weight gain.Daily, I hear my patients tell me
This drives me crazy . . .
So much hesitation from the medical system about estrogen replacement yet oral birth control pills are handed out like candy.
Melatonin is certainly a key hormone for sleep, but its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action also plays a role in:
Immune health
Gastrointestinal health
Hormone health
On a recent trip to Savannah, I was reminded how hard it is to eat healthy
while traveling
in the South
estosterone is needed in both men AND women for sex organs and characteristics, as well as for muscle growth, bone development, bone maintenance and more.
Glutathione is one of the most powerful detoxification agents in the body.It’s created from NAC/cysteine + glycine and glutamine, which are all amino acids found in proteins.
If I was stuck on a desert island with access to only one supplement for the rest of my life, it would be . . .
A fever is the body’s way of tuning the immune system so it can more effectively manage viral and bacterial infections.
There are downsides of acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) and NSAIDS like Ibuprofen, which are often used to decrease fevers and manage pain during an illness.
Many people go to great lengths to create a pre-bedtime routine in order to sleep well. A nice bath, some lavender oil, herbal tea, deep breathing, a sleep mask, reading - all good stuff.
You know from my past articles that many botanicals can improve hot flashes and night sweats.
But did you realize that you can get these botanicals via tea, not just via supplements?