Tongue Cleaning

Lying between your interior and exterior worlds, it gives a sneak peak into digestive health. Looking at the tonuge can provide information about the stomach, small intestine, and the large intestine. Basically, a map of the internal, without the need for x-rays or MRIs. 

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Low Estrogen Symptoms

Low levels of estrogen can create a laundry list of symptoms. From head to toe, things just don't feel right. 
But many women are taught that it's just a part of getting older, it's normal, and it's not enough of a problem to warrant a treatment. 
Gaslighting at its finest. 

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Alternative Medicine

"Alternative" medicine has been around for about 5,000 years. Back then, it was simply called "medicine".  
What Changed? 
When the pharmaceutical industry exploded in the 1950s - all of the sudden, anything other than a pill was considered "alternative" and frowned upon by those in white coats.

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The Vagus Nerve

Medical writings dating back 5,000 years tells us that our ancient ancestors did not separate body from mind, nor body from spirit.

It wasn't until Sir Issac Newton watched an apple fall from a tree and came up the laws of motion and universal gravitation that suddenly we began to view ourselves as machines. The brain became a computer, the heart a pump, and the eyes - cameras.

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Acne in Adult Women

Acne vulgaris is often a sign of underlying metabolic disturbance – a web woven of blood sugar, insulin, and sex hormone imbalance and often also a signal of microbiome disturbance. Classically, insulin resistance leads to direct stimulation of androgens from the ovaries in females. Overproduction of testosterone may lead to excessive sebum production, which, in turn, may increase the risk of inflamed sebaceous glands. This can trigger acne outbreaks. 

But what about cases where objective tests measurements all appear to be normal?  

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